About the National CSR Awards
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India has instituted National Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards to recognize companies that have made a positive impact on the society through their innovative & sustainable CSR initiatives. This award is the apex recognition of CSR initiatives in India.
The National CSR Awards seeks to:
- Encourage companies to spend the entire amount i.e. eligible CSR spend;
- Recognize the impact, innovation, usage of technology, gender and environment issues, sustainability, scalability and replicability of CSR activities; and
- Channelize CSR activities of corporates so that the benefits of their activities reach the marginalized sections of society and in remote areas of the country
Categories and sub-categories of Awards:
Category I - Corporate Awards for Excellence in CSR
i) Companies having eligible CSR Spend equal and above Rs. 100 Crores;
ii) Companies having eligible CSR Spend equal and above Rs. 10 Crores and less than Rs. 100 Crores;
iii) Companies having eligible CSR Spend equal and above Rs.1 Crore and less than Rs.10 Crores; and
iv) Companies having eligible CSR Spend below Rs. 1 Crore.
Category II - CSR Awards for CSR in Aspirational Districts / Difficult Terrains
i) Northern India
ii) North-East India
iii) Eastern India
iv) Western India
v) Southern India
Category III - CSR Awards for contribution in National Priority Areas
i) Education
ii) Skill Development and Livelihoods
iii) Agriculture and Rural Development
iv) Health, Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
v) Environment, Sustainable Development and Solar Energy
vi) Women and Child Development
vii) Technology Incubation
viii) Promotion of Sports
ix) Slum Area Development
x) Heritage, Art and Culture
xi) Support to Differently-Abled
Three Awards (one in each main categories of the awards), are reserved for MSMEs for the CSR intervention (s), in alignment with Category Objective/s, carried out by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises within the provisions of Section 135 of Companies Act 2013 and the rules there under.
Runners-Up: In addition to 20 awards as mentioned above, there may be 20 Runners-Up for companies which have under taken appreciable CSR activities in given sub-categories.