Centre for Excellence in CSR & Corporate Citizenship

Centre for Excellence in CSR & Corporate Citizenship

    CSR policy making of companies and reviewing their existing policies. This depends on the philosophy and vision of the company and also takes into account national priorities and needs. What is important is that the company promoters and other stakeholders should have an emotional connect with the policy and the projects flowing from their policies;

    Baseline surveys and need assessment. The needs are of the local households and people, therefore, contextually grounded in place and time. The needs are determined through household surveys, focus group discussions, desk review and so on. Establishing relevant indicators is an important part of needs assessment;

    Connecting micro level needs to projects within the overarching policy framework of the company. This is also called designing of projects and includes benchmarking on set indicators. This will form the base for expected outcomes (e.g. SDGs). This process of projectivization (or project scoping) is the most challenging task for a researcher/practitioner because it requires cross-disciplinary knowledge. Proper project scoping will meet needs of the local people, ensure project implementation within the set timelines and ensure financial and social sustainability of the project. What is required is a deep understanding of what works and what does not in the local context and then replicating or adapting successful practices (e.g. best and next practices) used in other situations;

  Real-time monitoring and evaluation of projects during implementation. This requires preparing activity- timeline charts for all projects (Gantt chart), listing out the assumptions and periodically reviewing if they are failing, using digital technology to ensure accountability and transparency, making mid-course corrections based on feedback signals (e.g. findings from real time evaluation) and ensuring that all activities lead to best quality outcomes at a minimum cost;

    Impact assessment (SEI and SROI) after completion of projects. Once the project is completed, a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches is used for impact assessment. Impact is assessed against the baseline and benchmarks;

   Edge capacity building programmes - for field level functionaries working on the field connected to CSR activities;

    Action research agenda for the SoBE, and

    The IICA does not do any implementation.

    Forthcoming Programmes

  • Impact evaluation of CSR projects of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited-Odisha
  • Need Assessment Survey for Village Development Plan-UP
  • Need Assessment Survey of NTPC Barauni-Bihar
  • NAS/SIE & SROI of NTPC Solapur
  • CSR policy and programme monitoring mechanism for the Board of Shriram Pistons- Haryana
  • Impact evaluation of CSR project of Indian Oil Corporation Limited-All India
  • Impact evaluation of HAL/IISc. CSR project-Karnataka
  • Social Impact Evaluation of CSR projects of NTPC Tanda-UP
  • Baseline survey of BRSR implementation in top 1000 companies-All India
  • Real-Time monitoring of Sampoorna IV project-MP & UP
  • Real-Time monitoring of Inclusive growth of Madhubani painting CSR project of Powergrid Corporation- Bihar

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    Last Updated:- 15/01/2025
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