Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development


Recent Research

1. Study on “Sustainability strategies” adopted by different companies with focus on Environmental Sustainability.

The primary aim of the study was to explore key material issues as seen by 12 industrial sectors and assess the approach to and comprehensiveness of sustainability strategies employed by companies across these sectors. Based on the analysis, key sustainability theme has emerged for each sector which is also discussed.

The information contained in the reports is propriety of IICA. However, the information is shared in the MDPs and other programmes.

2. Study on Sustainability Reports (Practices) Study.

The aim of the study was to highlight a set of good practices in CSR & Sustainability across 12 diverse sectors which demonstrate the potential such practices could hold in terms of multiple impacts along social, environmental and economical bottom lines, when projects are designed and executed well. Practices in education, social inclusion, human resource development, supply chain, leadership, environmental sustainability etc. have been also discussed in the report w.r.t. their linkages to the context of sustainability, organizational enablers, outcomes, social and environmental impacts and possible learning from the same.

The information contained in the reports is propriety of IICA. However, the information is shared in the MDPs and other programmes.

3. Study on Global Sustainable Development Practices (Technologies) in Key Sustainability Areas.

The primary aim of the study was to explore various innovative solutions and technologies being developed and adopted by companies across 12 industrial sectors towards meeting sustainable growth agenda.

The study also aims to instigate discussion if some of these solutions/technologies have the potential to be replicated across industries in same or different sectors.

The information contained in the reports is propriety of IICA. However, the information is shared in the MDPs and other programmes.

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Project on Village Electrification.

The rural electrification with the help of Renewable Energy development aims at social development, economic growth, human development and infrastructure by providing electricity access in rural area, where most of India’s population with low per capita lives. Renewable Energy plays an important role in sustainable development and also can be taken up by the Indian Corporates as one of their key project/programme under Corporate Social Responsibility. As on 31st August 2013, a total of 32,227 villages in India are un-electrified (URL_status of rural electrification). There are several components of the project but main aim is to access electricity and examine the technical potential of various renewable energy sources and subsequently develop a model describing the extent to which renewable energy can be adopted, its associated cost and energy requirements. On the other hand, there are several challenges such as variable and unpredictable primary energy flow thereby requiring hybridization of different renewable sources.

Major outcome of project is to provide renewable energy based electricity to villages where grid electricity will not be able to reach in near future due to technical and economic reasons.

5. CSR project based on Waste to Energy for managing zoo waste at National Zoological Park.

Growing urbanization and industrialization have led to the generation of large quantities of wastes. In India at present waste generation vary from 200gm – 600gm per capita per day and it is increasing at the rate of 1.3% per capita. Thus the problem of waste disposal has become a major challenge. Bulk of this waste is dumped in the open in an uncontrolled manner, resulting in the pollution of water bodies and land and causing uncontrolled emission of methane. This problem can be solved by adopting environment-friendly waste-to-energy technologies for treating and processing wastes before disposal. There are many technological options available that can be used to derive energy from waste. These technologies are well developed and some of these technologies are as: Incineration, Biomethanation, RDF (refuse-derived fuel), Gasification and Pyrolysis. In Indian context out of these available technologies, biomethanation and RDF have been proven to be commercially viable. Also out of total waste generated in India 50 per cent of it is has organic fraction. Biogas produce through biomethanation process is a clean and efficient fuel containing about 65 per cent methane, about 34 per cent carbon dioxide and traces of other gases.

To minimize the quantum of waste for disposal by optimal utilization of the potential of all the component of waste can be achieved by adopting an integrated waste management approach. As per MSW Rules, 2000, biodegradable waste cannot be disposed to landfills thus decentralized approach of waste management that is utilization of waste at the source of generation is the best practice.

The aim of the research project was to provide insights in the development of holistic CSR Projects/Programmes with focus on Environmental Sustainability, integrated and aligned with larger and long term benefits such as livelihood generation, women empowerment, conservation of natural resources and such others. The study was carried out to design a sustainable waste management system for the National Zoological Park and to outline the requirements and benefits, of the proposed Biogas project to be located at the National Zoological Park.

6. Corporate Social “Responsiveness to Water Issues for Rural Empowerment”

Water conservation and its distribution to the rural areas of the country is vital not only from the point of view of human consumption but also in achieving sustainable development where people are suffering from non availability of Water. It becomes an opportunity for businesses to utilize their resources under the ambit of Corporate Social Responsibility towards facilitating safe drinking water to the people besides many aspects of rural empowerment can be addressed. The objective of the study is to assess such opportunity and to cater to the needs of the village community by implementing water conservation technologies such as roof top rain harvesting systems, dug wells, bore wells etc

The sanitation and hygiene is another major concern in rural areas which can be resolved by providing clean drinking water and creating awareness related to better hygiene practices. A comprehensive need assessment survey of select areas which are suffering from water crisis has been done to propose CSR interventions such that these can be replicated all over the country. Economic analysis of CSR activities and the associated benefits will assist in implementation of sustainable water management practices in the country through CSR funds. The outcome of the study will be a CSR model which can be applied in areas where people are suffering due to non availability of safe drinking water and sanitation problems; thus empowering women, reducing girl child dropouts & water borne related medical cases, etc, thereby providing the rural population, opportunity to keep pace with sustainable development.

Upcoming Research

1. Industry briefing series: Decoding water as a business risk

2. Tool for promoting Waste Water Reuse in Industry

4. Study on mapping industry/product wise EVW and overlaying it with ground water scarcity to predict future growth rate of industry/products within an industry

5. Undertake comprehensive study on a specific area among corporate

6. Undertake exclusive CSR/SD Project study for ITC Ltd.Development

Forthcoming Courses

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