1. Research on “Auditor’s Role, Independence and Accountability: Issues and Challenges for Promotion of Corporate Governance in Listed Companies in India”
2. Policy Paper on “ Clean Slate Theory and Its application under IBC 2016”
3. Policy Paper on Role, Powers and Functions of Insolvency Professionals under IBC with reference to admission and Rejection of Claims
School of Corporate Law at IICA recently conducted a study on the Direct Selling Industry in India the findings of which were also presented by DG & CEO, IICA before the Hon’ble Committee on Finance, Parliament of India. The paper was publicly released for use of various stakeholders on September, 11, 2015.
White Paper Summary
Brief Report
Companies Act, 2013
Corporate Governance
Stakeholder's Consultation Paper on Insolvency Laws in India developed on the basis of inputs received from the First Stakeholder Consultation on Legal framework of Insolvency laws in India with special reference to MSME held at IICA on 27th February, 2015 and the Second Stakeholder Consultation on Legal framework of Insolvency laws in India with special reference to Corporate sector held on 19th March, 2015 at IICA Manesar Campus.
Bankruptcy Consultation Report
  Three-Months Certificate Course in “Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws & Procedure” (Online) Eleventh Batch Programme Brochure.
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